TYPE: Helios Series 24” Solar Powered Flashing Stop Sign
SHAPE: Octagon
DIMENSIONS: 24" Octagon
· Diamond Grade Reflective Sheeting
WORKING MODE: 24/7 or Bluetooth controlled via 'TT Solar' Android App (Timer and Dimming Function)
CONTROL BOX SIZE: 15" x 13.75" x 1.75"
1. How are the wires hidden on the back of the signs?
a. For the Legacy signs,
the connector cord comes out from the top/ side of the sign unit. For our new Helios
sign series, the cord has a cover that can either be
drilled through the sign or tucked behind the traffic sign.
2. Is there an option which allows us to purchase just the electronics/lights and we can install them on our current sign?
a. Yes! Our Helios traffic sign series is also sold as a kit—this comes with an LED sign frame and junction box—all you
need is your MUTCD/ traffic sign to mount on.
3. We are looking to update our traffic signs to have LEDS around the border—do you have something we can upgrade our
signs with?
a. Yes, our Helios traffic sign series and kit give customers the ability to update their current signs by adding an
LED light frame around the sign’s border. This can be AC or solar powered and increases visibility up to 1000ft!
4. What is the lead time for the Helios sign series?
a. We operate on a first come first serve basis—the Helios signs are standardly in-stock, with large orders or custom
sign asks subject to lead times.
5. What is the cost difference?
a. There is a small price difference between our Legacy and Helios signs--our new Helios signs offer more
capabilities such as Android app controls (with solar version), LED dimming,
on/off functions via app and timer controls.
6. Can we order custom wording?
a. We offer custom signs on both our Legacy signs and Helios series.
7. Would any pole work with your signs?
a. Yes, we offer hardware that fits up to a 4” round pole for our old flashing signs. Our new slim line series does not
come with hardware but BOTH signs are easy to install and compatible with any standard traffic post (Telspar,u-channel, round straight, etc.).
8. Do you have a video of the LED light frame pieces operating?
a. Yes, we have several set-up and un-boxing videos for you to reference on our YouTube channel and under the product listing on our website.
9. What is the operational expectancy for each sign series?
a. Both our sign series solar versions are expected to operate fully for 3 – 5 years (depending on environment and usage). The lithium-ion batteries then can be replaced to give the sign an additional 3 –5 years working expectancy.
10. Can the retrofit kits and Helios signs be AC powered?
a. Yes! Both of our traffic lines—Legacy and Helios--can be AC or Solar with Solar power being our most popular and standard stock option.
11. What does the Retrofit Kit come with?
a. Our Helios traffic sign retrofit kits can be mounted to any standard MUTCD sign and include: 1 LED sign border frame, 1 integrated battery/ solar panel junction box, mounting bracket and hardware for the junction box and 8 screws to secure the sign and frame together.
1. Do the sign frame kits stick to the sign or does it need screws to secure the kit onto the sign?
a. We offer a pre-installed unit as well as the individual unit. If you do not purchase the pre-installed LED sign frame unit, the frame-kit can be mounted by the 3m
tape pre-applied on the back of the frame and then screwed in with the 8 provided screws and nuts for additional hold.
2. Does the LED frame adhere to the sign or do you have to drill holes to install on the sign?
a. The LED frames for the sign retrofit kits have 3M tape pre-attached to the back. For further security, you can drill
holes into your sign and use the 8 screws and nuts provided to fasten the frame to the traffic sign.
3. Where is the solar panel mounted?
a. For the junction box that comes with a separate solar panel (001 or 002), we recommend mounting it as high as you can on your traffic post facing optimal sunlight. For our integrated solar/junction box units (003), we recommend the same as our other boxes, optimal sunshine and best distance to
connect to the sign.
4. How easy is it to hook up the Solar powered signs?
a. Very Easy! Our solar LED signs are designed to be “plug and play” with minimal set-up. Once the sign+ frame and the solar junction box have been installed, the 2 cords connect and are good to operate from there.
5. Do the solar sign/ junction boxes work immediately or do they have to charge up first?
a. Like all solar products, they are made with a rechargeable battery that will need to be laid in bright sunshine to obtain an initial charge before
operation. Once the junction boxes have received 8~ hours of sunlight, it can be activated for use with the traffic sign.
6. What tools do we need for the solar LED sign slimline series installation?
a. Since our LED traffic signs are made to be easy to use and install, you will need a screwdriver, hex-head (tightening junction box) and your preferential installation tools for mounting non-flashing traffic signs.
1. Can these sign retrofit kits be turned on and off with an app or laptop?
a. Yes, we offer an app for Android users that can operate the sign’s junction box via Bluetooth app with on/off functions, timer options and dimming options. It must be a device that supports APK files, and the user must be within 55ft to manage changes.
2. Does the solar Helios sign and solar retrofit kit unit have an App for iPhone/iOS?
a. No, we are in development for an iOS/ iPhone app. Only Android/ APK file compatible devices for now. The standard solar box that accompanies these products
will operate 24/7 factory standard—any adjustments can only be made with the Android (APK) app.
3. Does the solar Helios sign and retrofit kit shut off in the daytime?
a. Standard operation for the solar junction box will be 24 hours unless adjusted to customer needs within the Android phone/ tablet app.
4. Can we program at specific times or just come on after dark?
a. The functionality and operation times can be adjusted with the programmable timer via Android app.
5. What flash pattern does the Helios sign and retrofit kit use?
a. Our new Helios series uses a single-pulse flash pattern within the MUTCD frequency requirements of 50 to 60 flashes per minute to avoid
epileptic issues and other optical issues