Introducing our Environmental Protection Traffic Safety Sign, meticulously designed to adhere to MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) guidelines under R1-1, specifically crafted for yield signs.
Product Specifications:
- Type: MUTCD R1-2 Yield Sign
- Product Code: R12
- MUTCD Code: R1-2
- Gauge: 0.080
- Sheeting Options:
- Engineer Grade Prismatic (Reflective Sheeting)
- High Intensity Prismatic (3M Sheeting)
- Diamond Grade (3M Sheeting)
- Alloy: 3105
- Installation: Standard 2 Hole
This Traffic Safety Sign is your trusted partner in promoting yield instructions, environmental protection, and enhancing road safety.
Key Features:
- MUTCD Compliance: This sign strictly adheres to MUTCD code R1-2, ensuring it meets the highest industry standards for yield signs.
- Sturdy Construction: Built with 0.080 gauge material and a resilient 3105 alloy, ensuring longevity and resistance to the elements.
- Customized Visibility: Choose from a variety of sheeting options, including reflective choices for improved visibility, especially in low-light conditions.
- Simple Installation: Designed with a standard 2-hole installation pattern, making setup hassle-free.
- Yield Sign Focus: This sign is tailored for yield situations, where clear communication is essential for safety.
Sheeting Options:
- Engineer Grade Prismatic (Reflective Sheeting): Offers reflectivity, making it suitable for areas with moderate traffic and lighting conditions.
- High Intensity Prismatic (3M Sheeting): Provides superior reflectivity, ensuring high visibility, even in high-traffic situations and challenging lighting conditions.
- Diamond Grade (3M Sheeting): The pinnacle of reflectivity, delivering exceptional safety by making yield instructions highly visible.
This Yield Sign is indispensable for effectively managing traffic, promoting road safety, and supporting environmental conservation efforts. It is your commitment to ensuring safe traffic flow and the preservation of the environment.
Choose safety and sustainability. Order now to make a positive impact on yield sign safety and environmental protection.