If you're looking to improve safety in high-traffic areas, look no further than our 8-inch Solar Powered LED Flashing Beacon (strobe) light. Available in a bright red or yellow (amber) LED light, this beacon can be seen from over 2500ft away, making it an excellent addition to a variety of locations such as school zones, private lots, shopping centers, residential roads and more.
Crafted with a durable ABS plastic shell and high-intensity LED flashing lights, this 10-watt blinking light is designed to be a reliable and long-lasting option. It comes equipped with a rechargeable battery and mountable solar panel, which make it energy efficient and easy to use in locations where there is sunlight. This beacon is a hassle-free solution for enhancing safety while being environmentally friendly.
Product Specifications:
· TYPE: Solar LED Traffic Warning Light
· LIGHT: 10w LED
· COLOR: Yellow (amber) or Red
· WORKING MODE: 24/7 or Dusk to Dawn
· BATTERY: 12V/7200mAH
· VISIBLE DISTANCE: >2500 feet
· WORKING TIME: After one full charge, 5-7 consecutive days
· FLASHING: 50 times per minute
· DIMENSIONS: 8" diameter round flashing light
· COMPLIANCE: MUTCD Type B High Intensity
· CONTROL BOX DIMENSIONS: 15" x 13.75" x 1.75"
· WARRANTY: 18 Months
· Solar LED flashing light can be used on streets, in parking lots, around schools and more. Since these are solar powered, they can be used anywhere there is sun light. This product is very simple to install and use.
The CFLBC08 adheres to the MUTCD standards found within MUTCD guidelines Section 4L.01 for General Design and Operation of Flashing Beacons and 4L.03 for Warning Beacon
· LED's are a yellow or red color in compliance with warning light colors
· LED's flash at a rate of 50 times per minute
· LED flashing lighting time
· Beacon light is circular in shape
Q: Do I need to charge the beacon’s battery first, or can I use it right out of the box?
A: Out of the box the battery is not fully charged, so an initial charge is needed.
Q: What is the initial charging process?
A: Please allow for at least one full day in full sun to get a maximum charge prior to using.
Q: Will this traffic beacon flash 24/7?
A: This flashing beacon operates 24/7 (based upon full charged battery, limitations apply).
Q: What color options are available for these solar-powered flashing beacons?
A: These beacons are offered in both yellow and red, conforming to MUTCD standards and serving as effective tools for traffic calming and enhancing public safety.
Q: Is mounting hardware included?
A: Beacon mounting hardware is not included, however the solar panel’s mounting hardware is included. The panel’s hardware fits poles 2-4” diameter.
Q: How do you mount these beacons?
A: Each blinking beacon mounts by bolting the metal brackets located on the back of the beacon to your post.
Q: How long is the light illuminated each time it flashes?
A: The illumination period per flash for this beacon is 0.65 seconds.
Q: When should a flashing red beacon be employed on the road?
A: A Stop Beacon, which is a flashing red beacon, is intended to be used in conjunction with a STOP sign, DO NOT ENTER sign, or WRONG WAY sign.*
Q: When should a flashing yellow (amber) beacon be employed on the road?
A: Yellow (amber) beacons, commonly referred to as Warning Beacons, are usually accompanied by cautionary and regulatory signs, except for STOP, DO NOT ENTER, or WRONG WAY signs. Furthermore, they are used at obstacles located on or near a road, and to emphasize midblock crosswalks.*
* The usage details mentioned above were acquired from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) website. To access more comprehensive MUTCD specifications, please refer to the website here.
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